Step into my world, feel my poems and allow your wandering soul to get lost in the fragnance of the soothing stories from the land that does not actually exist. Allow this feeling to creep into your being and let your nerves speak the language of that far-off land. Bienvenido :)

Friday 8 June 2012

Blindman's Bluff

Unaware of the darkness 
she stepped out,
determined never to look back.
She walked through the blizzard
and found blackguards,
took them as angels,
She halted by the side of a frozen lake
to have some rest.
She played the bassoon
and her so called friends hated the sweet noise it made.
They left.
She remembered the blandishments.
She wept.
She helped herself on feet,
moved on to uncharted places.
She witnessed violent bloodsheds,
got used to it.
Now,at the sight of it
her heart did not bemoan,
it smiled.
Everyone she saw seemed a bigot.
She developed ulterior motives,
treated others as underlings.
Now she roamed about the snowy fields,
killing people,
splattering the red blood content on the black ice.
Her mind was bamboozled.
Her heart said - 'Have a bash'
and on she went, 
One night when she was walking
 through another heavy freezing blizzard,
something deep inside her
made her feel these things awry.
She recalled,
she had been blindfolded
the night she had stepped out in the dark,
when she was feeling unaccountably depressed.
She found her way back ,
went home,
lit up a candle,
got down on her knees,
with folded hands,
warm tears,
muttering lips.
She opened her moist eyes,
and she could see none
but JESUS !

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing u know...the way ur poems hav this element of a fine balance of drama and understatement. Keep it up, for I like it ;)

    I don't know if I m making myself understood, but those who know u must find this thing very evident: your poems r YOU. And the best part is, I could say this about any other teenager back to her life after the usual identity crisis.
